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Ready to sell? Get your listing started now.
How Fenda works for sellers - step by step
Improve your chances of selling your car for the price you want with Fenda. List for free and negotiate online with no stress. If you're not getting the offer you want, tell the buyer they can get loan through Fenda. We're here to do everything to make selling your car simple and successful.
Give us your licence plate, email address, vehicle details and photos and we'll get your listing page set up and looking great.
We run a report to check the car out so buyers know your car is legit.
Those findings will be shown on your listing page so buyers can shop with confidence.
When a buyer is interested, they can contact you to view the car, then send you an offer through DealStrike and you can negotiate a deal and conditions online - no talking to tyre kickers or face-to-face haggling required.
Once you're happy, accept the offer! The buyer can the apply for a loan through us and purchase insurance - just like at a car dealership but we handle everything.
When their loan is approved and if for a private purchased vehicle, we'll arrange a VTNZ inspection for your car. This is buyer optional.
Then you sign your agreement and we'll do the rest! We'll track the payment from the buyer and once that's complete, transfer ownership.
That's it! Fenda makes it that easy to sell a car privately.
Who should sell through Fenda?
Private sellers
People who want to sell their later-model vehicles privately.
Rental & Lease
Lease and rental companies that want to sell end-of-line vehicles.
Businesses that want to sell end-of-line vehicles.
Ready to sell a car today? Use Fenda! It's free and easy.
Enter the licence plate or VIN to get started.
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